Tesla is one of the most innovative and at the same time most controversial car manufacturers in the world. Many people ask questions about the company, the vehicles and the technology behind them. In this article, we answer the most frequently asked Google search queries about Tesla. Whether it's about prices, production sites or the history of Tesla you'll find all the answers here!
Frequently asked questions about Tesla
How much does the cheapest Tesla?
The cheapest Tesla-model is currently the Tesla Model 3 Standard Range. The price in Germany is about 42,990 Euro (as of 2024). The price can fall further with environmental bonuses and subsidies, and also offers Tesla regularly offers special deals or leasing options. The exact final price depends on the respective configuration and regional subsidy programs.
Who owns Tesla now?
Tesla is a listed company with numerous institutional and private investors. The largest shareholder is Elon Muskwho holds approx. 13 % of the Tesla-shares (as of 2024). Other major investors are large investment companies such as Vanguard Group and BlackRockwhich each own several percent of the shares. Various sovereign wealth funds and technology investors are also involved in Tesla are also involved.
How long does a Tesla?
The batteries of a Tesla are designed for at least 500,000 km but many users report mileages of more than 500,000 km. 800,000 km with original batteries. The longevity of a Tesla depends heavily on use and maintenance, but many vehicles easily last 10-15 years, some even over 20 years with good battery management.
Is Mercedes interested in Tesla involved?
No, Mercedes (Daimler) has sold its shares in Tesla already sold in 2014. Mercedes originally held around 10 % of Tesla and invested around 50 million dollars in the company. The sale brought Mercedes around 780 million dollars - today, however, the shares would be worth several billion. Since then, Mercedes has no longer been involved in Tesla in the company.
What does a Tesla Model 3 really cost?
The base price for the Tesla Model 3 is around 42.990 Euro in Germany. Additional extras such as the Full Self-Driving package (FSD) (approx. 7,500 euros) or special paint finishes can further increase the price.
How much money can you save with a Tesla?
Tesla-Drivers save money with cheap charging costs and the elimination of traditional maintenance costs such as oil changes or timing belt replacements. Because Tesla does not require manufacturer inspections, many standard workshop costs are eliminated. The costs for a 100 km journey are on average 5-7 euroswhile a petrol car costs around 12-15 euros. However, the actual charging costs depend heavily on factors such as electricity tariff, charging capacity and location. Charging at home with a cheap electricity tariff or solar system can further reduce costs, while fast charging at Superchargers is more expensive.
How much horsepower does a Tesla?
model | Power (PS) |
Model 3 Standard Range | approx. 283 hp |
Model 3 Long Range | approx. 498 hp |
Model 3 Performance | approx. 530 hp |
Model Y Standard Range | approx. 283 hp |
Model Y Long Range | approx. 498 hp |
Model Y Performance | approx. 534 hp |
Model S Long Range | approx. 670 hp |
Model S Plaid | approx. 1,020 hp |
Model X Long Range | approx. 670 hp |
Model X Plaid | approx. 1,020 hp |
Cybertruck Dual Motor | approx. 600 hp |
Cybertruck Tri Motor | approx. 845 hp |
Cybertruck Cyberbeast | approx. 1,020 hp |
Model 3 Performanceapprox. 530 hp
Model S Plaidapprox. 1,020 hp
Model X Plaidapprox. 1,020 hp
Model Y Performanceapprox. 534 hp
Who is Tesla's biggest shareholder?
Elon Musk is the largest shareholder with around 13 % of the shares the largest single shareholder of Tesla. Other major shareholders are the Vanguard Group with about 6,9 %, BlackRock with around 5,6 % and the State Street Corporation with about 3,1 % the Tesla-shares (as at 2024).
What does Tesla in German?
The name Tesla comes from the inventor Nikola Teslaa Serbian-American physicist and electrical engineer who developed many of the foundations of modern electrical engineering. His work in the field of alternating current technology, high-frequency technology and energy transmission laid the foundations for many of today's technologies. Tesla itself means nothing in German, but is a proper noun that stands for innovation and progress.
Is Tesla a good car?
Yes, Tesla offers innovative technology, a long range and impressive acceleration. The vehicles are equipped with the latest software and offer numerous assistance functions. However, they are occasionally criticized for their build qualityparticularly uneven gap dimensions and material quality in the interior, as well as service problemsas Tesla's service network still needs to be expanded in some regions. The availability of spare parts can also vary depending on the model and market.
Where will Tesla manufactured in Germany?
The Tesla Gigafactory Berlin-Brandenburg in Grünheide is Tesla's first European production site and counts with over 12,000 employees one of the largest employers in Brandenburg. The Gigafactory produces the Model Y for the European market and is set to further expand its capacities in the long term. Tesla also emphasizes the international diversity of the workforce, which consists of over 100 different nations nationalities.
What was the name Tesla used to be?
Tesla was founded in 2003 under the name Tesla Motors was founded. In 2017, the name was changed to Tesla, Inc. was changed.
Who is Tesla-boss?
Elon Musk is CEO of Tesla and has headed the company since 2008. The current CFO (Chief Financial Officer) of Tesla is Vaibhav Tanejawhile Tom Zhu acts as COO (Chief Operating Officer). Tesla was originally founded in 2003 by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning before Elon Musk significantly shaped the company as an investor and later as CEO.
Why does Elon Musk call his car Tesla?
The name honors the physicist Nikola Teslaa Serbian-American inventor and electrical engineer who carried out groundbreaking work in the field of alternating current technology, high-frequency technology and energy transmission. His innovations, including the alternating current motor and the Tesla-coil system, laid the foundations for the modern power grid and numerous other technologies.
Is Tesla expensive to maintain?
No, compared to combustion engines Maintenance costs are significantly lowerbecause Tesla fewer moving parts has fewer moving parts. There are no regular oil changes, no timing belt or complex transmission systems. The brakes also wear out much more slowly thanks to recuperation. In addition, no annual manufacturer inspections are required and many repairs can be carried out via software updates or mobile service technicians. However, the actual maintenance costs depend on individual driving conditions and any repairs.
What does 100 km cost with a Tesla?
The cost of 100 km with a Tesla depends on several factors, including the current electricity price, the type of charging station and individual driving style. Charging at home with a favorable electricity tariff or a solar system can cost from 3-5 euros per 100 km can be achieved. When charging at public charging stations, the costs are usually between 5-9 euros per 100 km. To Tesla Superchargers, depending on location and tariff, it can be between 7-12 euros per 100 km cost. In addition, outside temperatures and driving style influence energy consumption and therefore the actual charging costs. The costs depend on electricity prices. On average, a journey of 100 km costs around 5-7 euros.
Which Teslas have 1000 hp?
The Model S Plaid, Model X Plaid and the Cybertruck Cyberbeast each have over 1,020 HP. The announced new Tesla roadster will even have 1.100 HP have.
How many engines does a Tesla?
Model 3 & Model Y standard range1 engine (rear-wheel drive) Cybertruck Dual Motor2 motors (all-wheel drive) Cybertruck Tri Motor3 motors (all-wheel drive) Cybertruck Cyberbeast3 motors (all-wheel drive with high-performance boost)
Model 3 & Model Y Performance, Model S/X Long Range: 2 engines
Model S/X Plaid3 motors
Why do Teslas fail the TÜV?
There are no general reasons for failing the TÜV. Frequent causes can be uneven wear of the brakes due to the heavy use of recuperation. Lighting, chassis components or tires can also lead to complaints, depending on the condition of the vehicle.
Which car brands belong to Tesla?
Tesla does not own any other car brands. The company only develops and produces vehicles under its own brand name Tesla.
What does a Tesla car cost in Turkey?
A Tesla Model 3 costs significantly more in Turkey than in Germany due to high import duties and taxes. Depending on the model, the price is over 70,000 euros.
In which country are Tesla the cheapest?
The cheapest Tesla-prices can be found in the USA and Chinaas production costs are lower there and there are no high import duties. In the USA, the Model 3 at about 38,990 USD (approx. 36,000 euros), in China it costs the equivalent of around 32,000 euros. In comparison, the price in Germany is 42,990 euroswhich is due to higher production and import costs.
Which cell phone network does Tesla?
Tesla uses different mobile phone providers worldwide. In Germany Tesla O2 and Telekomin the USA, among others AT&T.
Where has Tesla is based in Germany?
The German headquarters of Tesla is located in Grünheide, Brandenburgwhere also the Gigafactory Berlin-Brandenburg is located. There is also a Tesla-office in Berlinwhich serves as a contact point for corporate communications and political relations, among other things.
Where is the headquarters of Tesla?
The headquarters of Tesla is located in Austin, Texas, USA. The company was previously Palo Alto, California before moving to Texas in 2021. The move was decided in part due to tax advantages and better infrastructure for future production facilities.
What does the T mean for Tesla?
The T in the Tesla-logo symbolizes a cross-sectional view of an electric motor and stands for the name Tesla. It represents the cross-section of a rotor with a winding and thus refers to the significance of Nikola Tesla's work on alternating current technology. The logo was deliberately chosen as a tribute to the Serbian-American inventor, whose research laid the foundations for modern electric motors.
Who builds Tesla-motors?
Tesla produces its own electric motors in its gigafactories.
Why may Tesla Tesla be called?
Tesla was given the name as a tribute to the inventor Nikola Tesla. The rights to the name were originally held by another company before Tesla bought them.
Did the Tesla always have internet?
Yes, Tesla-vehicles are equipped as standard with a mobile data connection as standard. This enables functions such as navigation, software updates and music streaming. However, for extended services such as satellite maps, live traffic data and video streaming, the fee-based premium connectivity package is required.
Must be purchased with Tesla pay for the Internet?
Tesla offers Standard connectivity free of chargewhile Premium connectivity with advanced features such as satellite maps and streaming is chargeable.
Is Netflix in the Tesla free of charge?
No, to watch Netflix on Tesla use Netflix, you will need your own Netflix subscription is required.
What does a Tesla-employee in Grünheide earn?
The salary at Tesla in Grünheide varies depending on the position. Production workers earn on average 3,500 - 4,000 euros gross per month.
How many employees work at Tesla in Grünheide?
We currently have over 12,000 employees in the Tesla Gigafactory Berlin-Brandenburg.
What happens to the old batteries from Tesla?
Tesla recycles old batteries in its own facilities and works with partners such as Redwood Materials to recover valuable raw materials and use them for new batteries.