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Tesla Smart Tire Sensors: More Data for Tire Wear & Roads

Tesla Smart Tire Sensors: More Data for Tire Wear & Roads

Tesla expands the sensor technology in its vehicles – and the Cybertruck now receives intelligent tire sensors. These new Smart Tire Sensors provide precise real-time information on tire wear, load, and road conditions. This not only enhances safety but also continuously optimizes driving behavior.

Innovative technology for precise tire data

  • Integration into OEM tires:
    The new sensors from Cerebrum are integrated into the original tires of the Cybertruck and are located in a special rubber sleeve under acoustic damping foam.
  • Measurement functions:
    They capture important parameters such as camber, tire load, and wear, and also provide data on the road surface.
  • Additional information:
    In addition to the usual tire pressure, warnings for uneven wear or necessary wheel alignment can be displayed in the future.

Benefits for driving comfort and safety

  • Optimized vehicle dynamics:
    The collected data flows into Tesla's dynamic track and suspension systems – in the models Model 3, Model Y, Cybertruck, Model S, and Model X – enabling adaptation to changing road conditions.
  • Improved traction control:
    Through more precise tire data, the FSD system (Full Self-Driving) can optimally adjust traction, leading to safer driving behavior under different weather conditions.
  • Long-term integration:
    In the future, these sensors are to be installed in more Tesla OEM tires, accompanied by new software features that monitor tire status even more precisely.

Future outlook
The new Smart Tire Sensors are another step in Tesla's advanced vehicle technology. With the integration of these sensors, not only is the efficiency of tire monitoring improved, but also the overall comfort and safety of the vehicles are enhanced. Tesla thus sets new standards in real-time data monitoring and paves the way for further innovations in the field of autonomous driving systems.

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