Tesla-Guide - The Tesla Light Show: A light spectacle for young and old

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This article is all about the fascinating Tesla Light Show. This spectacular feature transforms your Tesla into an impressive show vehicle that perfectly synchronizes music and light and attracts astonished glances.

What is the Tesla Light Show?

With the introduction of software version V11 Tesla launched the "Light Show" function for Christmas 2021. This feature makes it possible to light up the lights of your Tesla to the rhythm of the music. Not only the interior and exterior lights, but also the windows, mirrors and even the doors on the Model X are included in the choreography.

How do I activate the Tesla Light Show?

The Tesla Light Show is available on the following models:

  • Model S (from model year 2021)
  • Model 3
  • Model X (from model year 2021)
  • Model Y

To start the Light Show, go to "Game box" in the menu of your Tesla and select "Light show". Here you can activate the pre-installed Light Show and adjust the volume of the music. If you only want to use the lights and not the movements of the windows and trunk, deactivate the "Dance Moves" option.

Create and play your own light shows

Tesla offers its users the option of creating their own light shows. The open source software xLights is available for this purpose and can be downloaded free of charge. With xLights, you can program individual light scenarios and then play them back on your own devices. Tesla transferred.

This is how it works:

  1. Download xLights from the official website and install the software on your computer.
  2. Create your own light show with the music you want.
  3. Save the light show as a .fseq file and the music as a .wav file (or .mp3).
  4. Format a USB stick in exFAT, FAT32, MS-DOS FAT (for Mac), ext3 or ext4 format.
  5. Create a folder called "LightShow" on the USB stick and copy the .fseq and .wav files into this folder.
  6. Insert the USB stick into one of the front USB ports or into the USB port in the glove compartment of your Tesla.

Downloads and Community Light Shows

In addition to the option of creating your own light shows, there are numerous light shows created by the community that can be downloaded free of charge. Well-known platforms for Tesla light shows are

Synchronized light shows with several Teslas

Since the 2022 Christmas update, several Teslas can play synchronized light shows. This enables impressive choreographies at fan events or special occasions. To start a synchronized light show:

  1. Open in each Tesla, who is to participate, open the "game box".
  2. Select "Light show" and the same light show.
  3. Set the same scheduled start time in each vehicle and tap "Confirm".

Tips for the perfect Tesla light show

  • Preparation: Make sure that your Tesla has enough space to move the windows, trunk and doors without damaging them.
  • Volume: Adjust the volume of the music so that you can enjoy the light show to the full.
  • Community: Share your own light shows with the Tesla-community and discover new shows created by other users.


The Tesla Light Show is more than just a technical gimmick - it is an expression of creativity and innovation that Tesla-drivers and spectators alike. Whether you use a pre-installed show or create your own, this feature transforms your Tesla into a fascinating show vehicle.

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