Earlier than expected, Tesla is rolling out this year's Tesla Holiday update, also known as the Christmas update, with version number 2022.44.25. Last year, the Christmas update actually rolled out just in time for December 24, 2021, but this year it's already on the evening of December 13, 2022. The leaks released in advance provided a first glimpse at possible new features, such as Apple Music. We were lucky enough to have a Tesla Model 3 of us was already able to download the update and we could accordingly test all the new features for you. A complete summary, where we show you all the features in the Tesla, can be found on our YouTube channel.
Here is a summary of all the new features:
Apple Music: With the update, Apple Music is available as an additional music streaming service. All songs from the existing library or live radio stations can be listened to via this. Of course, an Apple Music account and premium connectivity are required for this feature.
Dog mode: Through the interior camera, you now have the possibility to observe the interior of your Tesla even when the dog or guardian mode is switched on. This way, you can keep an eye on your four-legged friend from now on.
Planning light show: Plan the light spectacle for up to 10 minutes in advance or watch so an interaction of several vehicles by starting the light spectacle at the same time. In addition, there is a new pre-installed light spectacle.
Ventilation speed climate: The fan speed is decoupled from the auto mode of the Climatronic, so that the ventilation levels can also be set manually in auto mode. The levels have also been changed, these are called Min, Med and Max.
Automatic turn signals: The turn signals can be automatically deactivated when changing lanes, making a turn or entering a junction. This can be activated or deactivated in the vehicle menu as desired.
Mahjong: The game Mahjong has been further optimized and upgraded with a new design.
Confirm forwarding of phone calls: Active phone calls from a device connected to the vehicle via Bluetooth require confirmation before the audio is transferred to another vehicle.
Contact search: Contact search has been made easier by now being able to sort contacts by first or last name.
Media elements: Probably the biggest change in this update occurs here. The media elements are now in close proximity to the driver and should therefore be easier to access. Swipe up to access favorites and sources. Swipe left or right to access more information, such as trip information or tire pressure.
Emissions scandal via app: The exhaust scandal "farts" can also be played via the app. An additional quick control icon provides quick access.
Rainbow display: The rainbow road can be permanently displayed when Autopilot is active. This can be activated in the game box.